Friday, October 01, 2010

Cartes Topologiques et Pla(nc)ton and other creative ventures.

In my last post, I had mentioned that I felt quite creative, yet there were no results of this productivity coming through.

Thus, I present to you the very short film I made for the festival "Les chercheurs font leur cinèma 2010" organised by the Paris phd students association Doc'up.

CARTES TOPOLOGIQUE ET PLA(NC)TON is a movie that has everything!
  • Nudity (even if it is partial and male)
  • Violence
  • Plancton
In all seriousness though, I realized that the topological maps I create through SOMs are nothing more than a mathematical way to implement Plato's allegory of the cave. Then I also noticed that plancton has platon, hidden inside it. Not too hard to build the movie after that.

The making of the film took 7 hours, out of which 3 were actually on tape. This lead to a lot of material to edit, which in turn gave us this b-roll.

I shall be uploading english and perhaps greek subtitles over the course of this weekend.

If you like it I hope you will promote it through facebook, twitter spam mailing, carving it in walls, tattooing messages about it on your forehead, and other means.

Apart from that I also had been working on a card game project but unfortunately, without a second person to be passionate about it and to work with on a regular basis the project cannot stand. unless I finish my phd and have more free time available. For a first taste of that you can always see its blog: Entropy: Universe Unravel.

And last but not least I give you a tiny spoiller about my super secret project!