A is for ant. A unit lost among millions.
B is for beauty. If you know how to look it is all around.
C is for clochard. There are too many of them.
D is for Danae, the Penelope left at home.
E is for elation due to the possibilities awaiting me.
F is for freedom which is a relative thing.
G is for gray clouds obstructing the sun.
H is for hazards. Life is full of them.
I is for intelligence a sword that cut on both edges.
J is for Jane. She rides a giraffe with Tarzan in the english seminar's jungle.
K is for knowledge. Will it really matter?
L is for lamentations; internal and continuous they doom those they plague.
M is for movie; filmed one recently.
N is for negativity which comes and goes as it pleases.
O is for opportunities there for the taking, accessible to those who want them.
P is for Paris, the city I am in.
Q is for quest. To find myself.
R is for Reine: as all pizzas should be.
S is for sleeping: a siren that always calls.
T is for transportations. A spider's web where your money gets stuck.
U is for Ultimate Showdown. It is of ultimate destiny.
V is for video surveillance. Ever-present big brother.
W is for willingness to live, to find a meaning.
X is for xenophobia, slowly dissipating through osmosis.
Y is for Yorick, poor fellow.
Z is for Zenith of our lifes.
1 comment:
ωραίο παιχνίδι. θέλω να το παίξω.
αρχίζω για μένα: άλφα, όπως ανοησία, βήτα όπως βλακεία, γάμα όπως γαμώτω δέλτα όπως δεν έχεις, έψιλον όπως με λένε, ζήτα όπως ζητάω, ήτα όπως η νίκη, θήτα όπως το θύμα, γιώτα όπως ιός....
φτάνει, αρκετά δε μίλησα για μένα;
από το γιουτουμπάκι μιας σκιάς μπήκα εδώ.
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