This manga series, by the creators of Death Note, has managed to keep my attention throughout its 4 years run. Although at some point the story deteriorated, I found this pure love thing they had going resonating inside me. I had hoped to live such a story, and, at times, still do a little. Well, Bakuman just finished, having taught me a lot about the editorial world of mangas, having given me many a good memories. And although I am dubious of happy endings, I believe that sometimes, fictional characters need to be allowed to live them; to inspire us, to remind us of an ideal.
If you have not read Bakuman, I strongly suggest you give it a try.
P.S. Yes I understand that by strict feminist standards the girlfriends in this series are not as emancipated as some of you would like. But if that is your only remark on the comic, I understand your point of view and the reason you do not enjoy it, but, for me, you are missing the essence of the comic. If you disagree, or want to discuss it, there is the comments section.
If you have not read Bakuman, I strongly suggest you give it a try.
P.S. Yes I understand that by strict feminist standards the girlfriends in this series are not as emancipated as some of you would like. But if that is your only remark on the comic, I understand your point of view and the reason you do not enjoy it, but, for me, you are missing the essence of the comic. If you disagree, or want to discuss it, there is the comments section.
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